Honest Broker Process

The Honest team has a defined process that is used when providing data to researches. This process requires input from the requestor as well as the Honest Broker team.


Step 1: Access HB intake form: Link
Step 2: Fill out the Honest Broker Intake form with as much detail as possible (missing information will result in delay).
Step 3: Submit the completed Honest Broker Intake form to honestbroker@coh.org.
Step 4: Provide additional Information if needed (HB will reach out via JIRA).
Step 5: Review result and confirm if the requirements are met.
Step 6: Acknowledge POSEIDON in publications.

“As part of the service we provide, we kindly ask that you acknowledge POSEIDON and Research Informatics in any publications that leverage these data, analysis tools and platform.

For your convenience, we have drafted a verbiage that can be used:

“The authors would like to acknowledge the CoH Center for Informatics and for the utilization of the POSEIDON platforms for data exploration, visualization, analysis, and discovery.”

Honest Broker Team

Step 1: Review Intake Form.
Step 2: Capture clarification and/or additional documents as needed.
Step 3: Develop query per the requirements indicated on the intake form.
Step 4: Code review.
Step 5: Data review.
Step 6: Final review.
Step 7: Share data with PI via SharePoint.
Step 8: Obtain approval from PI that the report meets the request.
Step 9: Close the request.

Honest Broker Workflow




To learn how to submit an honest broker request, click here.