
Ongoing Research Support


CCSG - Cancer Center Support Grant

Translational Bioinformatics (TBI) has participated in NCI CCSG support since 1997. TBI has received highest “exceptional merit” scores in both 2012 and 2017 NCI grant-renewal years.
Role of Translational Bioinformatics in CCSG support


Cancer Center Support Grant (PI: Steven Rosen)

Agency:  NIH/NCI (P30 CA033572)

Performance period:  Aug 1, 1997 - Nov 30, 2022

Local GM-CSFR Blockade to Improve Outcome in Leptomeningeal Disease from Breast Cancer (PI: Wenyong Chen)

Agency:  Department of Defense - BC181320

Performance period:  Aug 1, 2019 - July 31, 2022

Phase I Molecular and Clinical Pharmacodynamic Trials ET-CTN (PI: Edward Newman)

Agency:  NIH/NCI (5UM1CA186717-06)

Performance period:  Mar 28, 2014 - Feb 28, 2023


Abstract for Grants

For customized abstract related to TBI/Translational Bioinformatics support, contact Yate-Ching Yuan, PhD at



For collaboration requests, questions, or technical support